EffiCity aims at the development of a software tool able to optimize the design / retrofit, scheduling and control of smart multi-energy systems serving urban districts and public / commercial buildings. The mail goal of EffiCity project is to achieve a reduction of energy consumptions, CO2 emissions and overall costs by exploiting all the data made available by the monitoring systems and by exploiting all the possible synergies between the different units and energy networks.
Indeed, with the available data, accurate forecasts of energy demand and renewable production profiles can be made with artificial intelligence techniques, detailed dynamic models of the units and networks can be developed, and a rigorous optimization of the operation can be efficiently done with state-of-the-art operations research tools (e.g., robust or stochastic Mixed Integer Linear Programming models).
Coordinator: LEAP – Laboratorio Energia e Ambiente Piacenza
Partners: Centro Interdipartimentale per l’Energia e l’Ambiente CIDEA – Università degli Studi di Parma, Centro Interdipartimentale Fonti Rinnovabili, Ambiente, Mare ed Energia FRAME – Università di Bologna, Comune di Parma e Confindustria Emilia-Romagna Ricerca CERR
Enterprises: Impresa Allodi, Antas, Impresa Cella Gaetano, Consorzio Centrale Termica P.E.E.P. Corticella, CPL Concordia, Croci Costruzioni, Optit, Siram.
Regional S3: Energy and sustainable development
Regional funding: 452.109,29 euro
Project duration: from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2018 (24 months)
Call: Strategic industrial research projects aimed at innovation in the energy sector (1097/2015)
Main sectors involved: Construction, Supply of electricity, gas, steam and energy services, Building construction, Civil engineering, Specialized construction works, Software, Smart city, Services, IT
Web site: http://www.efficity-project.it/?lSite=en